Taking the L-Train Out: Free Agency Options for LaMarcus Aldridge in 2015

  Recently, rumors have been swirling around the Portland Trail Blazers’ LaMarcus Aldridge and his plans for the 2015 free agency. Some have anticipated his signing with the Los Angeles Lakers or the New York Knicks, both of which are huge markets. Others have predicted that Aldridge will return to Texas,the state he was raised […]

How’s your Fantasy League?

With the East and West coast play-offs coming to an end the gamble on fantasy league has become unbearable. The west coast games between Oakland City and the Lakers proved to be one of the toughest continuous games of the season, which ended with Oakland City prevailing. The east coast rivalry of the Heat versus […]

Mr. Royal Rumble

Eight years, three team switches and one legal name change after the infamous “Malice At The Palace” and Ron Artest… excuse me, Metta World Peace still has that raging flame deep within him. The NBA all-star (2004), champion (2010), and Defensive Player of the Year (2004) has managed to work his way into the hearts […]