The (Lack of) Diversity in Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley has a major diversity problem. While this information is in no way shocking, it has recently been corroborated by data released by (some of) the companies in question. Until this May, most Silicon Valley tech giants were not in the business of releasing their EEO-1 reports detailing staff diversity numbers. When journalists filed […]

Art Come to Life: Toys based off of Children’s Drawings

Do you have any younger siblings or cousins who love to draw? Many artists are creating toys based off of children’s artwork. One of the most popular artists doing this is Wendy Tsao, owner of Child’s Own Studio. Tsao was inspired to begin making toys from the softies art movement which started in Japan.  Softies […]

How To Nail A Job Interview: Inside Info

Throughout my high school career the pressure to become employed in the near future was high. The endless advice, resume building, and career fairs had lead up to this one moment in my life: My Very First Job Interview. I’ve received a lot of good advice about how to apply for a job and this […]

The Racer: An Interview With Record-holding Roller Coaster Enthusiast Don Helbig

Recently, I had the privilege of speaking with Don Helbig, a roller coaster enthusiast who has ridden King’s Island’s the Racer over 12,000 times. Amongst many things, we chatted about the specifics of his world record, meeting lifelong friends, and the significance of seat 51. He is the current Public Relations Area Manager for Kings […]

The Health Benefits of Coffee

We’ve been hearing for ages that coffee isn’t good for us, it makes us short, among other things, specifically, the finger is pointed at the caffeine in coffee, bringing about things like decaffeinated coffee.  But are many health benefits that have been surprisingly discovered recently, such as helping with weight loss and even helping to lower blood […]

Virginity Auctions and the Freedom to be Bought

Some people say that a woman’s virginity is an extraordinary gem worth protecting and saving. Some would say a woman’s virginity is a virtuous gift from God. Some would say that a woman’s virginity is simply priceless. Others would say it’s worth at least 400,000 bucks. That’s where a 27-year-old medical student is setting her […]

Apple Drops The Last Remaining Bitcoin App In Their App Store

Apple has dropped the sole bitcoin app from its app store this past Wednesday, according to The app, called Blockchain, acts as a wallet for the digital currency. It allows for iPhone users that have the app to make online purchases via their smart phone using the revolutionary new form of money. The app […]

Twitter Contributes to TV Ratings, Launches Music Application for iOS

Back in December, the microblogging site Twitter announced that they would be teaming up with Neilsen to create an official social television ratings system. On their blog, Head of Media Chloe Sladden wrote, “As the experience of TV viewing continues to evolve, our TV partners have consistently asked for one common benchmark from which to […]

Kendall and Kylie Jenner Following in Big Sisters’ Footprints

Kendall and Kylie Jenner are the hottest teen entrepreneurs right now: They have their own jewelry line, a new clothing line coming out, a successful blog on Celebuzz, they’re currently fashion contributors for Seventeen magazine and are coming out with a new book that is expected to be as good as “Twilight.” But, with a […]

EDM Infiltrates Music Festivals, Airwaves & … Forbes?!?

“Today, rather than traditional rock bands, the names highest on festival bills are more likely to be DJs whose appearance fees are easily in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.” The message of this quote shouldn’t shock you considering the explosive growth of electronic dance music (EDM) over the last few years. What may surprise […]

Job Markets Evolve with Technology

With the I-Phone 5 just released, it’s evident that today’s technology realm is evolving faster than ever. Everything is sleeker, batteries last longer, and the world is changing because of it—whether it be for better or for worse is up for debate. Gone are the days of waiting for a response in the mail, or, […]

Battle of Movie Gods: Hollywood’s Biggest Directors Square-Off on Forbes

While Oprah took the top-earning spot, bringing in an estimated $165 million in the last year, she was followed by a impending slew of directors and legendaries, like “Transformers” director Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg, who pulled in an estimated $160 million and $130 million between May 2011 and May 2012. However, there are also […]

Even Not Having a Facebook Can Affect Your Employment

Source: Reppler In an effort to conceal personal information from potential employers, Facebook users have long learned to adjust privacy settings and name changes to disappear. But recently, interviewed hiring managers say this lack of social media presence is “suspicious”, an error of omission that hurts your chances just as much as a less-than-pristine Facebook […]

10 Colourful reasons to love London Theatre shows

If you have a chance, enjoy theatre the way it was meant to be enjoyed. This doesn’t mean a soirée in fluffy France, or bouncing about in Italy. Theatre is meant to be experienced in a real city. London is your prime target for incredible live theatre. Here are 10 reasons why. 1. Shakespeare! The […]

Excuse me? I’ll have the designer handbag with a side of stupidity, thanks!

If it wasn’t apparent already, it certainly is now: Americans will buy anything, and no, I’m not referring to Burger King’s atrocious Bacon Sundae. Cue minimalist designer Jil Sander’s entry into the conversation; hailing from Germany, Sander has created a $200 million empire consisting of men and women’s apparel, accessories, and fragrances. Sold in prominent […]

Musicians “StageIt” from their living room, welcoming fans into their home

A new way for musicians to reach out to fans, innovative website is gaining notoriety. Created in October 2010, StageIt is a web-based platform headquartered in Los Angeles, California. This “online concert venue” allows performers to broadcast their backstage or in-house antics to a select crowd, providing a unique experience to viewers. All it […]

Boston Mayor Tells Chick-fil-A There is No Room for Discrimination in MA

Dan Cathy, president of Atlanta-based fast food chain Chick-fil-A, has found himself in the center of a national debate following statements made regarding same-sex marriage. During a radio interview with Ken Coleman, Cathy, a devout Christian stated, “I think we are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and […]

Payroll Card: Beneficial or Harmful

This summer instead of being paid with paper checks or direct deposit I received a Payroll Card. As someone who already has a bank account and a Debit card, I thought this was an unnecessary way to pay me. This card comes with all kinds of fees and it takes three days to transfer the […]

Chick-Fil-A Speaks Out….No Big Deal

Chick-fil-A chief executive officer and president, Dan Cathy, has recently come under fire for his comments printed in the Baptist Press.  A public and devout Christian, Cathy shared his thoughts about his definition of family and marriage. He also discussed how his religion has influenced his leadership at the fast food restaurant chain. Cathy is […]