To the Person Who Really Actually Did Toss An Actual Lit Cigarette Out Their Car Window, in California

With the drought ever present, and little to no signs of it getting any better especially in Northern California, it leaves many of us wondering, “Did you seriously just toss a lit cigarette out your car window?” Seriously? No, really, “Did you actually just really really actually do that?” As if the hay colored hills […]

A Note to White America

  The crisis in Baltimore is an event that I’ve been trying to avoid as long as possible. It was not that I did not care about the struggle that African-Americans face in this country, nor was it because I felt that we as blacks were powerless to enact he change that we have been […]

To Pimp A Butterfly: a Musical Landmark

With Compton rapper Kendrick Lamar’s last release good kid m.A.A.d. city being one of the best hip-hop records since the 90’s Golden Era, I admit that I was a bit nervous about the release of To Pimp a Butterfly. In all honesty, his hit single “i” that dropped in the fall last year did not impress me […]

The Power of the N-Word

Although Allen Kingdom, a flame thrower, and the heavily censored version of Kanye West’s new song “All Day” were the main attractions at the Brit Awards last week, a bigger issue was resurfacing for the Chicago native and a majority of the hip-hop community. Images and video footage of Lionel Richie at the award ceremony […]

Racism, Rap and Why White America Does Not Want to Think About Them

Fox News is known to make thoughtless and harmful statements on contemporary American politics and culture, and this week it was Geraldo Rivera’s turn to spurn controversy over the popular news network. In an interview, he discussed his strong feelings against the hip-hop genre, claiming that it has “done more damage to black and brown people than […]

Wait, You’re American?

I’ve gotten used to it by now, but when I was younger, I didn’t understand why all these people were asking me such silly questions. “Are you from Korea?”, “North or South?”, “Were you born here?”, “Really, I didn’t know that!” From teachers, parents, friends, and even their cousins, they never seemed to run out […]

Advice for Change

You don’t need to know who you are right away. It’s okay. Take time to do things slowly, investigate what things mean to you and what is important to you. What many people don’t understand is that you don’t have to be exact replicas of your friends, being yourself is the only way to go about life. […]

On Why You Just Need to Do You.

The internet has been getting on my nerves a lot recently. I’ve had to stop checking my Facebook upon waking because I simply don’t have time to be appalled first thing in the morning. Since when did we, as a society, feel like it is our job to tell people how to live? Wake up, […]

What to Know about the Hobby Lobby Case and Its Effects

A craft store would seem the last setting for such an extensive debate involving religious convictions, workers rights, and body rights, yet the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision has propelled an outburst from America’s citizens as the perpetual debate over religious rights continues. The onset to this debate began with the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision […]

A Country Against its People?

9/11  hit America swiftly, violently, and with a vengeance. Post 9/11 leaves U.S. security bounding into a new age, where in reality know one is above being questioned or considered dangerous. For some this is with good reason, after tragidies  like the Boston Bombing or even home grown terrorism in public places, once considered to […]

Girl Killed, Classmates Arrested

A 16-year-old girl was killed by her classmates in Connecticut. Maren Sanchez,was assaulted around 7 a.m in the hallway on a Friday in a hallway at Jonathan Law High School she passed away 7:43 a.m. The police don’t yet know the motive but they are looking into the rumors about a guy being disgruntled at Sanchez because […]

Mississippi’s Anti-Gay Bill is Our Worst History Repeating Itself

On Thursday Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, a bill many argue could facilitate discrimination against the LGBT community. “I am proud to sign the Mississippi Religious Freedom Restoration Act today, which will protect the individual religious freedom of Mississippians of all faiths from government interference,” is the quote Gov. Phil […]

This Should be the Last Article You Read On #CancelColbert

Let me start this off with a short story: It was my sophomore at Arizona State University. I was still bright eyed, bushy-tailed, and full of hope for the future. In my African American studies class a controversial topic came up: you see ASU had a ‘black out’ game to celebrate their new uniforms. A […]

Virginity Auctions and the Freedom to be Bought

Some people say that a woman’s virginity is an extraordinary gem worth protecting and saving. Some would say a woman’s virginity is a virtuous gift from God. Some would say that a woman’s virginity is simply priceless. Others would say it’s worth at least 400,000 bucks. That’s where a 27-year-old medical student is setting her […]

One Out of Four Americans Think The Sun Revolves Around The Earth

A recent study by the National Science Board shows that one out of four Americans think that the Sun revolves around the Earth. Unfortunately, this disturbing example of scientific illiteracy is but one statistic amongst a national trend of ignorance. According to the survey, only 38% of Americans think that our universe started with a […]

Is that news? I mean it happens all the time.

What is it about pain, anger, suffering, anguish, and death in America, that has desensitized us, it boils our blood at the time, much like the news that the innocent were done wrong? But then we sink back into complacency and sit there, like bumps on a log, until something else comes along. What and […]

Live from London: Bonding with the locals

One of the best parts of London is that there is no language barrier, which should make it easier to meet locals. However, the British social culture is also more “closed” than the American social culture. In other words, strangers in London don’t normally strike up random conversations with each other, much less with Americans. […]

College students should take advantage of study abroad experiences

Making the jump from high school to college proves to be a huge feat for some, with new people, new classes and a new environment. And in this entire bustle, another type of new experience is often lost: the study abroad experience. Luckily, I go to Pepperdine University where international programs are highly encouraged as […]

The Difference Between British and American Universities

  When pursuing an education, would you prefer a professional-level specialization or freedom of choice? Going into London for a study abroad program, that was the first time I realized how different the British “uni” system was from the United States. In fact, university and college don’t even mean the same thing to them. It […]

Potential Olympic basketball age limit poses issues

There’s no denying that Team USA dominates when it comes to basketball. This year the men’s team earned its third consecutive gold medal, while the women’s team hasn’t lost an Olympic game since 1992. Perhaps because of this unprecedented dominance, the idea of a 23-year-old age limit was proposed for Olympic basketball. Currently the USA […]