To the Person Who Really Actually Did Toss An Actual Lit Cigarette Out Their Car Window, in California

With the drought ever present, and little to no signs of it getting any better especially in Northern California, it leaves many of us wondering, “Did you seriously just toss a lit cigarette out your car window?” Seriously? No, really, “Did you actually just really really actually do that?” As if the hay colored hills […]

Being an Introvert in the Dating Scene

Never knowing what to say. Any and all text messages leave you uncertain of what to say. They think the weather is nice? All you have to say back to that is, “Yeah, I know.” That is, after you take a quick glance out the window. Was it sunny before you took a nap after work? […]

Mhizz32flavorz onYouTube

How many of you spend countless hours on the internet looking for things to do or watch? I know I do. While twiddling my thumbs online, specifically YouTube, I came across a set of videos by a one Mhizz32flavorz (spelled just like that!). Apparently, “Mhizz32flavorz” is a girl named Melanie from Texas who “twerks”. She […]

School’s Out and the Kids are in The Yard

For the past month and half I have been watching the 2011 television series The Yard via The six-episode mini-series is about the lives of elementary school kids and their lives. The show is shot documentary style and much of the story takes place between the schoolyard and the interviews done by an unseen […]